special thanks to @eaterofpi for the epic thumbnail art

dont forget to scroll if you cant see the generator

Yo everyone, Normally, I do exercises for art by randomly making scribbles that I can then use to draw on top of. It probably has a really cool name, but I call it the Random Scribble Sketch Method. Anyway, I used a lot of help from internet chat robots to generate a tool that makes random scribbles. It's pretty flexible, so I hope someone can use it for something interesting. Here are instructions on the options now:

  • Segment Length: Controls how long each stroke segment is.
  • Stroke Segments: Sets the number of segments in each stroke.
  • Stroke Amount: Determines how many strokes to generate.
  • Stroke Spacing: Sets the range for random starting positions.
  • Scribble Size: Scales the overall size of the scribble.
  • Smooth Curves: Makes strokes smooth and flowing.
  • Randomize Stroke Curve: Mixes smooth and straight segments.
  • Randomize Segment Length: Adds variability to segment lengths.
  • Random Stroke Starting Point: Starts strokes near the center, offset by spacing.
  • Enable Colors: Adds random colors to strokes.
  • here are some pics on me using it for sketching:

    first i generate something i find interesting:

    next, when i can kinda see something in the scribble, i sketch on top of it

    and eventually i have a nice drawing if i like it 

    thats about all i can think about atm, lemme know if you have suggestions on how to improve the random generator, or something like that, maybe show me your own drawings made by using the scribbles! that would be really cool to see

    I invite everyone to try this out, and have fun!

    Published 7 days ago

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